Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Information: Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the biggest business union in the country. The Chamber aims to improve Georgias’ economic development by supporting the business in Georgia. Our goal is to support development of the private sector through services and projects tailored to the needs of the business.
Through open dialogue and advocacy, the Chamber supports business sector in voicing their concerns and overcoming any challenges. GCCI is represented in all intergovernmental commissions and working groups significant for the business, to ensure that interests of all business entities, especially regional SMEs, are protected.
The Chamber is particularly active on the international level, it has the most sophisticated and extensive international connections and is an integral part of the international network of Chambers of Commerce. The Chamber signed more than a hundred MoUs with various central and regional Chambers or other business unions worldwide. As a result of this cooperation, the Chamber is the most effective mechanism for local entrepreneurs to find a business partner abroad and discover new export markets
Through different membership packages, the Chamber offers a wide range of services tailored to the needs of the private sector. Our members have constant access to the latest information necessary for the development of their business.
The Chamber collaborates with leading Donor Organizations and implements projects and activities tailored to the business needs. Our members have access to information on ongoing and planned Governmental and International projects, as well as receive detailed consultation on terms and procedures.
The Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has the largest regional representation in Georgia and provides services and support to all interested enterprises.
Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Discover new opportunities for your business.